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Styling a Sustainable Life

Styling a Sustainable Life

Posted by Liah Escobedo on Feb 15th 2024

Since I was born, I have been obsessed with wearing a lot of colors and being the one who is a little “too ready” for a casual day. I enjoy thrifting instead of shopping at brand-name stores because I can find these unique pieces of clothing with other benefits!

In my life, sustainability pertains to helping the environment and my wallet. As a college student, thrifting allows me to save a couple of bucks on beautiful pieces if I put in the time to look for them. By purchasing clothing that has been loved before, I am also helping keep items out of landfills and contributing to sustainability efforts. I love this jean jacket that I thrifted because it can be easily styled, it was inexpensive and didn't negatively impact the environment!

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One of my favorite things to look at in thrift stores is handbags and glasses. Thanks to thrift stores like Plato’s Closet, I can find beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces that make any outfit better. Being able to find these cute bags is the biggest thing I look forward to when I am shopping and thrifted bags are always my go-to when putting together an outfit. I love this beautiful designer bag I got for less than $20 alongside these cute sunnies!

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Being sustainable is important in my life beyond just my wardrobe. I am sustainable through my diet, use of recycled plastics and taking control of my waste. I always make sure to reuse or recycle items when possible. One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting, which allows me to reuse yarn and it's a fun, therapeutic hobby to make cute pieces. My current winter favorite outfit is a fluffy crocheted sweater and sweats!

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I hope this inspires you to be willing to live a little more sustainably. The reward for the planet and yourself will be well worth it!

Blog by: Liah Escobedo | @liahescobedo